Anya Rose
LoveLight Pathway
At this stage of humanity's evolution much is changing with regard to awareness of human life understanding, purpose and communication. Many are now awakening to a higher level of consciousness and are becoming heart guided. As this occurs we become conscious of the love and support from the Upper Realms. I am honoured to serve as a channel of Divine Love and Light and channel guidance and healing from the angelic and galactic realms. It is my joy to assist others in becoming aware of their true selves and know that love is ALL

As we evolve we become more sensitive and aware of our wonderful true selves. When we link into higher consciousness our awareness gifts us with the knowledge that we are in fact multi-dimensional Beings. Our intuition is enhanced and our thoughts, actions and life choices are made from our heart centres. By connecting to our hearts we sense the love in ourselves and in ALL. We are able to fully appreciate ourselves and our own unique gifts and qualities. At LoveLight we offer a variety of ways to assist you to connect with the higher aspects of your Being and to know and understand yourself as a beautiful Being of Love and Light.

"It is time for us all to awaken to our true selves and let love light our way."

I am blessed to serve as a channel for Divine LoveLight healing and Angelic Reiki. Many find the experience of receiving this healing deeply profound. It may assist with emotional, mental, physical and ancestral issues and reconnect you to your inner wisdom, joy and peace.

It is always a joy to connect with 'like minded ones' and at LoveLight we offer regular group meditations and discussions. There is a choice of local gatherings or you can join via Zoom groups. We link with Angels and other high vibrational Light Beings including Galactics. During the sessions I channel their guidance and healing. All the gatherings aim to raise human consciousness and bring love, peace and unity for all.
During these channeled sessions you are gifted with guidance and wisdom for your life journey from the Upper Realms. Sometimes feelings of doubt, confusion and anxiety can disturb our thoughts and actions. These sessions aim to assist in gifting you clarity and empowerment.
'I have been attending one of Anya’s groups for quite a while now and always feel the benefit. Her delivery and content is always uplifting, she is someone who understands and has great intuition. I went to her last group feeling low, during the meditation I felt a heaviness lift. The last few days I have been able to get back to my exercise routine and feel life is treating me well. Thank you Anya.'
-Anne H
'Anya is a beacon of light, her channeled meditation groups are always heartfelt, warm and inclusive and the energies that are with us always powerfully felt and received. Anya's channel is a true gift to the world and offers clear guidance for our path as it unfolds from the heart. I'm blessed to have Anya in my life, a channel, healer and friend, thank you beautiful.'
-Theresa A
‘It is my absolute pleasure to say that I am privileged to have received some beautiful healing treatments from Anya Rose. These treatments have taken me to a place of pure Love and Light where it is safe to let go of all disease. In addition I also attend some of her groups and classes and find her teachings of a loving purity that resonates with my Heart. Thank you dear Anya for your Love, Generosity and Purity.'
-Karin B