Angels and Galactics
Angels are intelligent 'Beings of Light', a universal intelligence that communicates with us through the vibration and energy of pure love. Residing in higher dimensions they are part of Universal Consciousness. From the moment we are born we are guided, protected, supported and loved by Angels unconditionally. We can call on them at any time and their healing helps us on every level
As humanity evolves we are becoming more aware of other loving High Vibrational Beings who are assisting in raising Global consciousness. They also gift us with healing and guidance appropriate for the time we are living in. Since my attunement to Angelic Reiki I have become aware of these wonderful Beings and I am now able to channel their healing and guidance. Some are from star systems you may be familiar with - Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius and Venus and all are Beings of 100% love and light. I am privileged to offer regular sessions and workshops sharing Galactic healing and guidance.

"When someone's heart is filled with love and compassion, your own heart will spontaneously open up like a blossoming flower. The closed bud of your heart unfolds in the presence of love."
Divine LoveLight healing
I am gifted to channel high vibrational healing and link with Angels, Ascended Masters and Galactics. The vibration of the healing energy assists with clearing negative and low vibrational issues. The Light transmitted during the sessions enhances your energy field and assists in raising your vibration which promotes good health and wellbeing. Each session is unique and the healing vibration and light quotient is always compatible with your own energy field.

Divine Guidance and readings
During these sessions we link with the Angels and I verbally channel their divine guidance for your life's journey. After the initial transmission you may ask some questions. In our 'heart of hearts' we always know what is right for us but sometimes our judgement and clarity may be clouded by confusion, fear and possibly overwhelm. Many find these sessions profound and empowering bringing confidence and self belief to assist you with your life choices.