All the healing I offer comes from a place of love, compassion, unity and peace for all. Before each session I create a dedicated space for the appropriate healing to occur.
Angelic & Galactic Reiki
This high vibrational healing is wonderful for these current times as it may help to clear current and past life negative issues and assist with self knowledge and awareness. We connect with the energy of a Healing Angel, Ascended Master or Star Being who come forward to transmit the appropriate healing for you. After the healing you are given time to rest and reflect and I will share any guidance I have received during the session. Available in person or via phone and video link. Session pricing: £60 - 1 hour.

Angelic Guidance

This high vibrational healing is wonderful for these current times as it may help to clear current and past life negative issues and assist with self knowledge and awareness. We connect with the energy of a Healing Angel, Ascended Master or Star Being who come forward to transmit the appropriate healing for you. After the healing you are given time to rest and reflect and I will share any guidance I have received during the session. Available in person or via phone and video link. Session pricing: £40 - 30 mins or £60 - 1 hour.
Merkabah Awareness/Experience
As we evolve we become more aware of our Light Body (Merkabah). Bringing awareness to this part of our Being gifts us with experience and knowledge of our multidimensional selves. From this state of being we are able to access universal intelligence, experience a heightened awareness of Light Beings and sense the love in All. For a personalised guided session with recording please contact me. Session pricing: £60- 1 hour

Lovelight Essential Blends
The connection I have with Essential Oils has always remained prominent throughout my healing work. Their energetic beauty helps so much to uplift and harmonise. The Lovelight Blends are personally prescribed and infused with high vibrational energy. The blends are gifted with clairsentient advice on application to assist with optimum healing. £30 for 30ml (plus p&p)