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My Story

It has been my privilege and joy, during the past three decades, to assist others with a range of healing modalities. These have included Reiki, Reflexology, Jin Shin Jyutsu and Angelic Reiki. I trained initially as an Aromatherapist and it soon become apparent that I was blessed with the abilities of clairsentience and clairaudience. These gifts have assisted me greatly with my healing practice and I now work as an Angelic and Galactic Channel, High Vibrational Healer and Ascension Guide. It is apparent to me that many people are now becoming aware of their divine selves and it is a privilege to be a support and guide to assist in their awakening.

Angel with colourful wings

Angels and Galactics

Portrait photo, smiling

My awareness of my channeling abilities commenced in the early 2000s. The channeling has included bringing through new 5th dimensional healing modalities, including Archangel Metatron healing and Arcturian and Pleiadian healings. I believe there will be more of these new high dimensional healing modalities gifted to us in the near future and I look forward to sharing these with others.

Over the years I've been guided to reside in locations that hold high vibrational energy. Some of the sites have had easy access to energy portals and my role there has been to assist with anchoring Divine Light and to keep my vibration high and pure.


Some of my channeled work has included visiting various sites world-wide and actioning processes to enhance the Light quotient there. In some areas this has helped to clear stagnant low vibrational issues. Channeled guidance has also shown me how to instigate the unlocking and releasing of sacred energy. This releasing is part of the Ascension process for all and is distributed globally through the Earth's grid system.


I facilitate high vibrational gatherings and during these sessions we gather and bring awareness to our higher selves and All. We connect with Light Beings to receive healing and guidance related to 5th dimensional living. The synergistic energy of the gatherings gifts Earth and all life forms with Divine healing and raises human consciousness. I also offer healing and guidance during one to one sessions.

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